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Forskning & Presse


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Exploring Food Waste in Private Households
in Skåne

In 2020, 200 million children under the age of 5 were reported to be malnourished and between 720 and 811 million people around the world faced hunger. Yet, the global food production have the potential to feed every human being twice the amount required. So what...

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Food waste matters - A systematic review of household food waste practices and their policy implications

In recent years, food waste has received growing interest from local, national and European policy-makers, international organisations, NGOs as well as academics from various disciplinary fields. Increasing concerns about food security and environmental...

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Household food waste: drivers and potential intervention points for design – an extensive review

This review describes the consumer related material and socio-cultural drivers behind food waste found in academic and grey literature. The aim is to identify intervention points for design interventions to reduce household food waste. Within the reviewed literature...

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